Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Camping 101

So, we decided, spur of the moment, to go camping up in AF canyon. Steve and the boys went with us for the fire pit part, and then we were going to stay and camp. We got a late start, and had no idea where we were going, so we started to drive, and drive, and drive and drive (to the tune of Pioneer Children...) After driving forever, and finding all the campgrounds full, we found an empty fire pit and pulled over to eat dinner - about 8:45pm. As soon as we stopped, Jacee threw up. She felt a little better and then wanted to get in the car to go to sleep about 9:15pm. Jack and Maddie soon followed suit. Here are their pictures all snuggled up, ready for bed, in the truck.

Yes, that is soot all over Maddie's face. We didn't realize it because it was so dark, but that camp ground was covered with soot. We got home with black shoes, black jeans, and black kids!

Kimble and Carter were pretty good sports. They stayed out by the fire until we left at 10pm. We learned that if you are going to go camping - know where you are going before you even leave!


Q said...

Sorry it didn't work out so well; hope that won't stop you from trying again!

Jen said...

oh, not the funnest camp out but still family tme.