Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Carving #2

The moment you have all been waiting for - the finished jack-o-lanterns!

This is always my favorite pic of the night - the glowing pumpkins. Aren't they great?

Jacee and Jack with their finished products. And yes - mom did carve them this year.

Kimble showing the one he scraped out very thin - when you put the candle in, it is just suppose to glow orange - don't know if it worked or not.

And cute McKell - isn't hers darling? I think she got some of her parents' creative talents!

My little Avery (she's not really mine, but kinda!) I had to take multiple pics to get a smiling one - she is such a teaser!

This was the second one I took...

Here's actually the 1st one I took...

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love the glowing photo the best, it has alway been my favorite.