Monday, November 2, 2009

Jack's Finger

We had a little bit of trauma with Jack the other day. He came to me with this little ruler on his middle finger. His finger was so swollen, I could not twist it off, get it off with cooking oil, or cut if off with scissors. He was really starting to freak out - and so was I! I realized I had to get him somewhere and fast! At first I thought of the fire station because they had the jaws of life - after all, if it can cut through a car it could probably cut through plastic. (Remember - I don't think too clearly in a medical emergency - someday just ask me about when Jack cut his eyelid.)

Anyway...after that I remembered there is a new insta-care close - so off we went. As I was driving, I also remembered there was a new pediatricians office on the way - and that would save me $10 in a co-pay.

We got to the doctor's and they took us right back, got out the cast-cutting saw, and the rest is history. Whew! Of course I had visions of Jack losing his finger (just like I had visions of him losing his eye.) We are pretty lucky that there was only a tiny cut from the saw that didn't really even need a band-aid.

Love you Jack!


Brewer Bunch said...

oh no! I could imagine how awful that must have felt to see his little finger so puffy and stuck! Do you remember when you got your CTR ring stuck so long that dad had to cut it off? I still remember being so scared staring at your puffy finger and hoping that dad could fix it!
I'm so glad the dr. was able to get it off!! Oh, the not-so-dull days of motherhood :)

Walt and Eileen said...

So glad you could get him to the right place to get it off. How scary. I didn't do well when you kids had med emergencies, either. Good thing your doctor Dad was usually close by.
Love, Grama Mission P.S. Glad to see Jen was feeling well enough less than 12 hours after her 5th child was deilvered yesterday at 4am to be checking blogs and commenting.
We still haven't heard what this new grandchild's name yet.

The Peterson's said...

Poor fella! Way to save the day though mom! Even if you think you don't think clearly in an emergency, just remember you got him where he needed to be.