Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Christmas Gathering

We're pretty lucky to have an ok family - ok they are pretty GREAT! I love getting together with them. We had a little impromtu gathering because Michelle and the kids were coming to town (no, she is not Santa...) and so we - gathered! The first pic is of the now famous Christmas Burrito. You just never know what Uncle Steve is going to come up is usually fun, loud, a bit rowdy, and the favorite of the night.

Here is Michelle withe new little Lizzy Beth (Elizabeth Brinn). I can't believe how small Lizzy is at a month old and how great Michelle looks - some things in life are just not fair!

Jacee and Maddie decorating the sugar cookies. Good think we were at my house this year because it was just a free-for-all with the sprinkles!

Uncle Steve and our "tween" McKell. He is always pesting someone!

Wy-honing with her cookies. She loves coming to her Aunt Julie's house!

The big girls were the first to finish decorating and the first to finish eating!

Like I said - free-for-all with the sprinkles. I'm pretty sure there are cookies in there somewhere...

The obligatory group shot.

And the crazy group shot in front of the tree. Thanks everyone for helping and contributing the a great conversation! (PS - Jen it wasn't that great of conversation - in fact in was quite boring - you missed nothing!)

Jen happened to call right when we were all getting together - she only called four more times during the next two hours!

1 comment:

Brewer Bunch said...

you are all still in big fat head trouble for not disbursing to your individual homes the minute I called!! The pictures looked so fun! Loved the 'burrito' :)

Man I miss Utah!!

I love minnesota, I love minnesota, I love minnesota (how long do you think I'll have to repeat it before it sticks?)