I've been tagged by my sis-in-law, Michelle...so here goes.
Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Living the single life
2. Teaching at the best elementary school in Utah
3. Working myself to the bone to create a great ballroom program for kids
4. Wondering if I should move to Boise
5. Not going to church
Five things on my "To-do" List:
1. Figure out what to do about the house since mom and dad are coming home for a bit
2. Organize my desk
3. Fold Laundry
4. What should we eat for dinner - and who can make it
5. Take Jack to the potty
Five favorite snacks:
1. Chocolate in almost any form
2. Chips and Salsa
3. Lifesavers - are those even a snack or just a courtesy for other people?
4. Grama Binki's Carmel popcorn
5. Pretty much anything
Five things I would do if I were a Millionaire:
1. Make sure mom and dad and Brent and Vicki are taken care of for retirement
2. Buy an actual couch that is BRAND NEW!
3. College funds
4. Scholarship for a ballroom dancer or a BHS graduate to BYU
5. Build a house and a barn
Five places I have lived:
1. Burley, ID
2. Rexburg, ID
3. Four cities in Utah County
4. Boise, ID
5. Two cities in Salt Lake County
Five jobs I have had:
1. Life guard (college)
2. Elementary Teacher
3. Ballroom Dance Studio Owner and Director
4. HS Ballroom Dance Teacher
5. Wife and Mother
I tag:
1. Josh Petersen (adapt as needed)
2. Jen
3. Sayda
4. Kim
5. Laura
Let me know when you have posted your list and I will check out your site for your answers!