Monday, September 15, 2008

Jacee Beth

Jacee felt there should be a post just about her - so she set up a couple of photo ops. This is her pretending to eat a nectarine we picked from the tree out back. (She doesn't like them...) She thinks it will "freak" people out!

Here she is doing her homework at the table. She is a bit of a perfectionist so her erasure gets lots of use. She loves, loves, loves school. Her best friends are Daniel and Parker.

She is quite a little light in my life. Every day she does or says something that amazes me. I am enjoying it all because I know it will go fast - the first five years sure has!

(For Michelle - the answer to the question about dinner - we had DQ - and they fixed it!)


Chel said...

Tell Jacee the nectarine 'freaked Taylor's freak'. When Tay saw Jacee writing she said, "Hey Mom, look, they learn to write in Idaho, too!" I had to laugh!

Brewer Bunch said...

I love the big, wide eyes!! What a cutie! We miss you!

Jogusboy said...

Whoa!! She just freaked me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!