Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pouncer the Wonder Cat

 So, we have joined the ranks of pet owners - and it's a CAT!  Never did I imagine we would have a cat because John is not a fan.  The timing worked out just right.  Jackson's fish died and he was so sad.  Then the neighbor's cat had babies and John, feeling vulnerable because of Jackson's sadness, consented to get a cat.  So - here is Pouncer the Wonder Cat.
 Grama loves the cat.  She is allergic but we haven't seen any allergic reaction yet so we're hoping that holds.  They nap together often.

Maddie has a love/hate relationship with the cat.  She wants to play with it and love it but does not like her claws at all.  We'll see if she gets braver and actually holds the cat one day.


Tiffany said...

Well, I guess mom won't be visiting your home any more - and I am deathly allergic as well. Cats are evil......just saying!

kimmik said...

Hey, never commented before but thought I could share an FYI. Most people aren't allergic to kittens. There's something in a grown cats saliva when they lick their fur that causes the allergy. I'm also allergic to cats but do fine around kittens.