Maddie - I'm a Big Girl Plincess
Jack - We can't disappoint Jacee
Jacee - Can we read Harry Potter?
Jack - I'm sorry for hurting you Jacee
Maddie - I can't walk - my legs are bloken
Maddie - Is this for me?
Jacee - Rice Baby
Jacee - telling me all about the boys at school
Jack - I'm going to blow you some slippery kisses
Jack - I'm a baby beaver and you're the mommy beaver. Mom - if we ever catch a beaver can we keep him for a pet?
Jacee - you look cute.
Jacee - mom, I think kids get some of the same talents as their parents (dancing), were you a good singer when you were little (no) maybe kids get one extra talent than their parents...
Maddie - Can I bring my stuff?
Jack & Maddie (thank to Isaac) What the heck?
Jacee - I think I'll be a star one day.
Jack- Wanna sea the underwear eating crocodile?
Jack - I need someone to play trains with me - will you play trains with me?
Maddie - Can you snuggle me?
Jack - Can you snuggle me?
Jacee - Can you snuggle me?