The big day finally arrived!!! Jack got to ride the bus to kindergarten. I can't believe how much my sweet wonderful boy has grown.
Yes, I worry he'll make friends. I worry he'll get mad and hit someone. I worry he'll get his feelings hurt and no one will be there to comfort him. I worry he won't be able to snap his pants after he goes to the bathroom. I worry he'll be able to hear the teacher. I worry, I worry, I worry. Why do I worry so much more about these things than I did with Jacee? She just seemed so independent.
My little Jack is the one we tease that we need to build an apt in our basement for Jack to live in as an adult because he will never leave me. He is the first to give me kisses and say I love you. Sometimes he just needs to come be near me and touch me.
But, the time has come. I tried to help him put on his shoes and he said, "Mom, I can do it!" I asked him if he needed help in the bathroom and he said, "Mom, did you forget that I'm a big boy now?" I guess we need to change our story to - we need to build an apt in the basement of our house for Jack because mom never wants him to leave.
Sure do love my little/big guy.
Jacee on the other hand is made for school! My worries are different for her. I worry that she will be mean to other kids. I worry that she will be a show-off. I worry she will make someone feel - not very smart. I worry that she won't eat her lunch because she must get out "rule" on the playground.
She has always loved and excelled at school. She is my little Miss Go-Getter and this day couldn't come soon enough for her. She was up and ready by 7:30am. (Bus doesn't come until 8:54.) And after school she just gushed on and on about how great everything was.
Sure do love my big girl!