Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Jackson was a little put out he wasn't in the picture at the top of our blog. So I told him he could pick which picture to put on...he wanted "the one where I am making a crazy face sleeping on daddy." it is. Enjoy!


Walt and Eileen said...

Jackson, what a funny face!
Love, Grampa 'n Grama Mission - Argentina

SAYDA said...

That is so funny! Was he really sleeping? He is growing up too fast and getting too cute.

4kidsandcrazy said...

That is great! It is so fun to see what our kids think are the best. Good for you to put it on your blog.

Jogusboy said...

tee hee!

gotta love the jackjack attack

gizcallyomom said...

VERY cute picture!!! Have you every had an egg hunt with my Mom?! If you have, you know what I'm talking about. If not, you MUST ask her to have a pre or post (since you'll be with your Fam) egg hunt with you guys this Easter! Um... was that an oreo cupcake?!!!! YUMs! ;-)