Friday, December 16, 2011

The Perfect Gift

Maddie is really into wrapping presents this year.  She wraps whatever is handy with whatever paper is handy - and sometimes it doesn't even need to be paper.  I have been given special gifts of old paper clips and broken necklaces wrapped in her blankets.  The only constant to her wrapping - a bow and scotch tape.  This little girl is something else.  Here is her latest gift to me.  Upon first glance you might not be able to tell what it is (I sure didn't).
 Upon closer examination, you may see the very handy button on the top.
And you may notice the nifty little "cleaning rag" on the bottom.  You just put this in the middle of your room, press the button and prest-o - you have an automatic floor cleaner!

Since opening this wonderful present, I find it in various rooms around the house.  Maddie picks a room that obviously needs the floor cleaned, sets it down, presses the button and walks away.

I guess she thinks I need to vacuum more often!


Q said...

She's one clever & imaginative girl!

Janie said...

So, are you going to market these magical floor cleaners? We could use one...

Walt and Eileen said...

We never know what's in the minds of our little children.
Love, G/G PetersEn - San Salvador