Monday, September 14, 2009

Bound to Happen

I think I have been holding my breath for six years (since Jacee was born) waiting for this to happen. I should count myself lucky that it has not happened sooner and actually is not too bad.

Yesterday I was talking on the phone with my parents and John came to me and asked, "Did you cut Maddie's hair? She keeps saying - cut hair, cut hair." No, I didn't cut her hair, but I looked into the garbage can and found about four clumps of dark blonde hair. Sure enough - Maddie had taken the scissor and hacked off the side of her hair - she is now sporting the ever popular Mullet! I don't know why Jacee didn't ever attempt this, and I'm grateful. And Maddie's is not as bad as some I've seen - so now it is just another funny story - because it was bound to happen sooner or later!


Walt and Eileen said...

See....was it you or Jen who did this? Then, Janie would say it's not as bad as when Dad cut her bangs once.
Maddie would be cute no matter what hair style.
Love, Grama 'n Grampa Mission - Argentina

Q said...

Aaaahh, funny! It is not too bad at all, still enough hair there to do something with. Good luck!