Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Quite a Vocabulary

I must admit that I think my daughter gets her varied vocabulary from her mother. Now, I am not bragging, it is just the truth. It has been vary chilly today, so I finally broke down and lit a real fire - I usually use dura-flame logs but real wood heats the house so much better. As I was lighting it, she wanted to know if we could make "firecrackers" (s'mores). Of course! What fun! The fire was crackling, I had all of the supplies except the graham crackers. As I was running up the stairs from the basement I heard Jacee say, "Mom, can we start torturing?" (roasting) What can I say, she comes by it honestly! After all - not everyone gets a "prescription" for the newspaper!


Jogusboy said...

How Cute!

Jen said...

what a fun mom you are. Just explain the real words before she goes to girls camp and scares her leader to death. hehehehehehehe :)

Brewer Bunch said...

I love kids interpretations of things! That fireplace made me so homesick!! Have fun with you 'firecrackers!'

Anonymous said...

Those two are so cute! That looks like so much fun. Funny story!