Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jacee vs. Jaycee

Jacee has decided to change the spelling of her name to Jaycee. This is her plan: Mom, I will still write my regular name on all my school papers, but when I get to draw pictures for fun or when I am playing school at home I will write Jaycee.

Sure enough, she came home with about 5 pictures she has colored for fun and everyone on of them had Jaycee written at the top.

Hmmm, how long will this last?

(I actually did want to spell it with a "Y", now I find myself wondering how much it would be to legally change a name...)


Walt and Eileen said...

Well, I just wrote Grama A's posterity for her book, let me know if I need to change the spelling to "Jaycee." Just kidding.
I crack up every time I go to your blog and see Jackson trying to peer up from the Santa hat that has falled over his eyes and he's holding the Christmas treat with both hands and can't push it up.
Love, Grama Myssion

Jen said...

I have heard it is a pain, but how funny. I always wanted to be Andrea.

The Peterson's said...

When I was little I wanted to change my middle name. I remember my mom saying that if when I turned 18 and still wanted to change my name than I could do it. Of course by then I didn't want to but I still remember how nice it was to know that it was MY choice.
(And we all know how much I love my middle name name now! :)