Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Resume - Copy Writer

Sorry for the poor quality - but anyway...

Here is John's first add in our paper. He had the paper open to this page when we came down for breakfast - well Jacee immediately cut it out and wanted me to read it for her. Later, as I was doing dishes, Jackson was sitting at the table holding the add, and here was his copy, "Welcome John Brent Peterson! He loves his son, and his name is Jackson John Peterson! Mom - I think that's a great idea!"

So - it looks like Jack has a future in copy writing -anyone know of any jobs?


Chel said...

Fun post...Jack is so cute! Great ad, John, it's so professional. Good luck, you'll do well in real estate.

Janie said...

This looks great!! Did you know if you click on posted picture, that they enlarge -- you can see the text really well if you do that (note to Mom).

Good luck! We think you'll be great!

The Fishers said...

What a handsome devil! Grrrr!