Jack and I were snuggling before he went to sleep - a nightly ritual that has become even more important now that daddy is gone so much. The nightly snuggle, along with the bedside lamp seem to help him sleep better.
Here is our conversation tonight, which is a pretty typical one.
"Mom, I love you and daddy."
"I love you and Jacee and Maddie and Mikayla and daddy...and Jesus."
"Mom, he's the one that makes us alive."
How true those words are.
I love my little Jackie.
I love that Jack, how simple and true.
I love when children start to gain a knowledge that forms their testimonies. Zach always tells us when we are talking about death, even in play, that Jesus will make us alive. So there have been a many ressurrection enactments at out house.
I love little Jackson. He is such a special little boy with a very special spirit.
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